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5 Bad Habits That Are Making Your Menopause Symptoms Worse
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Many menopause symptoms are impossible to avoid or prevent. That’s because they are caused by a change in hormones, specifically a drop in estrogen. It is inevitable that most women will experience issues like dry skin, increased stress and anxiety, acne breakouts, insomnia and more.
That said, you can make your symptoms worse than they should be. Your diet, level of activity, skincare routine and sleep quality can all determine how unpleasant menopause gets.
Here are five things and habits that worsen menopause symptoms. Eliminating or reducing these will help manage various issues and problems related to menopause.
1. Not Watching What You Eat
When you begin to experience an onset of menopause, it is more important than ever that you eat right.
Specifically, cut back on refined carbs and processed foods and add more fruits, vegetables and proteins to your diet.
- Processed foods and too many carbs can worsen menopause symptoms like fatigue, stress, depression and irritability. Cutting them out or drastically reducing them can make menopause more tolerable.
- A healthy diet also reduces the chances of gaining weight. Several studies show that being overweight can make symptoms like hot flushes and night sweats worse. Menopause also causes a higher risk of heart diseases. A good diet will protect your cardiovascular health.
- You may need to adjust your diet to avoid foods that trigger menopause symptoms such as hot flushes. Common trigger foods include dairy (can trigger acne in some women), caffeine, sugary foods, fried foods and spicy foods.
- Add foods rich in phytoestrogen to your diet. Phytoestrogens are plant compounds that mimic the effects of estrogen, so can help manage some of the symptoms caused by a drop in estrogen. Foods rich in phytoestrogens include broccoli, kale, peaches, sesame seeds, beans and flax seeds.
- A healthy diet is also crucial in protecting your bones, which tend to weaken due to loss of estrogen.
2. Using Too Many Skin Products
The appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and other signs of aging prompts many menopausal women to stock up on skin products including creams, serums, makeup and more.
But using too many products can do more harm than good for your skin. For one, there’s a risk that your skin might react to some of these products, resulting in breakouts and other skin issues.
Using too many skin products can also lead to clogged pores, eventually resulting in acne.
As I explained in this post on menopausal acne, focus on the basics: facial cleanser, moisturizer, sunscreen and exfoliation.
Extra products like serums are fine, but be careful what you get. Make sure it’s right for your skin and unlikely to cause acne. If you are experiencing a lot of skin problems, you are better off seeing a dermatologist than buying yet another skin product.
3. Not Getting Enough Sleep
Sleep is one of the first things to suffer when you get into menopause. Hormonal changes cause night sweats, stress and other symptoms that can lead to sleep problems like insomnia.
What’s worse is that sleep deprivation in turn makes menopause symptoms even worse. Lack of sleep makes hot flashes at night more likely, it increases stress and irritability, it can make you even more fatigued and so on.
So as hard as it is, try to get good sleep during menopause. Have a bedtime routine, avoid caffeine and alcohol close to bedtime, get breathable bedding to keep you cool and sweat-free, and stay active during the day.
Menopause increases the risk of diabetes, heart diseases and hypertension. Sleep deprivation further increases the risk of these diseases. So getting enough sleep goes a long way in keeping you healthy.
4. Not Working Out
Many women slow down their level of physical activity during menopause. They feel more fatigued, lack motivation and experience a drop in metabolism.
But lack of exercise only worsens menopause symptoms and puts you at risk of serious health conditions.
- Menopause is associated with a loss of muscle mass. Exercising helps slow down this loss.
- Lower estrogen also leads to a loss of bone density, which is why menopausal women are at a higher risk of osteoporosis. Exercising reduces loss of bone tissue, thus keeping your bones strong.
- A sedentary lifestyle can lead to weight gain, which worsens some menopause symptoms such as hot flushes. Weight gain also increases the risk of heart diseases, hypertension and diabetes. Remember that menopause already puts you at a higher risk of these health conditions.
- Exercising greatly improves sleep quality by making it easier to fall asleep and help you sleep more deeply. As we’ve discussed, sleeping well helps mitigate many symptoms of menopause.
- Exercise is also hugely beneficial for your mental health. It can help prevent or manage menopause-related stress, anxiety and depression.
5. Smoking and Taking Alcohol
Probably the two worst things you can do for menopause is smoking and drinking excessive alcohol.
Smoking is particularly bad. It can trigger premature menopause and intensify all the bad effects of menopause including hot flushes, wrinkling, acne, heart disease, osteoporosis, difficulty sleeping and more.
Taking too much alcohol can also worsen menopause symptoms and further increase the risk of heart disease, hypertension and other health problems.
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Woodbury, MN 55125
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