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Can Sun Exposure Trigger or Worsen Acne? Yes, It Can
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Ever noticed that you get a pimple breakout after spending hours or days outdoors exposed to the sun? If this often happens to you, sun exposure may be causing or worsening your acne.
Everyone should take care to protect their skin from the sun. If you are prone to acne or have sensitive skin, you should take extra measures to avoid solar-related acne breakouts.
Here are all the ways being out in the sun can trigger acne plus tips on how to protect yourself.
1. Sun Exposure Can Cause Summer/Solar Acne
Sun acne goes by several names including solar acne, acne solaris, summer acne, mallorca acne and acne aestivalis. All these names describe different forms of acne that are triggered by exposure to the sun’s UV rays. Sun acne can occur even in people with no history of acne.
Researchers are not sure exactly how solar acne comes about. All we know is that it’s caused by the sun’s UV rays. That’s why it occurs mostly in the summer.
What’s weird about it is that it doesn't affect the face, even though it’s the one area of the body constantly exposed to the sun when we are outdoors. Instead, it only occurs on the shoulders, chest, back and upper arms.
Some experts suggest that the sun interacts with oily compounds in sunscreen and other skin products. They then clog the skin pores, leading to an acne breakout.
Another theory points to genetics. In some people, the body doesn't work efficiently to clear cells damaged by UV radiation. This increases inflammation and leads to acne.
2. Being in the Sun Dries Your Skin
There are other less mysterious causes of solar acne. One of them is dry skin. Spending time in the sun obviously dries your skin, especially if the humidity is low. This is true for all skin types, including oily skin.
Skin dryness triggers increased production of sebum. The excess oil in our skin clogs pores, causing pimples to break out. Also, dry skin flakes off easily and these bits of skin can further block pores, increasing the risk of acne.
3. Higher Risk of Sweat Acne
Yes, there is something like sweat acne. It occurs when sweat, along with other debris like body oils and dirt, clog hair follicles and sweat ducts.
Being outside in the sun will make you sweat more and can lead to pimples on the areas you sweat from most. Sweat acne is typically not painful or itchy. It appears as small pimples with no white or black heads.
Heat from the sun can increase the risk of sweat acne as can friction. If you are carrying a backpack or wearing rough clothing, the constant rubbing plus the sweat and heat increase the chances of a breakout.
How to Protect Yourself From Sun-related Acne
Obviously, you cannot not go outside. So the best option is to protect yourself from the sun’s UV rays and heat. Here are some tips.
- Apply sunscreen to block the sun’s UV rays from reaching your skin. To avoid acne caused by sunscreen, only use non-oily/greasy sunscreen that won’t clog your pores.
- Wear UV protective clothing. These days, you can get UPF rated outdoor clothing that blocks UV radiation. Our own Kronos travel hat 2.0 has built-in UV protection.
- Moisturize your skin before you go out and while you are outside. This keeps your skin from drying out and reduces the risk of a breakout. Don’t forget to stay well hydrated.
- To avoid sweat acne, wear breathable and moisture-wicking clothing. If you are doing something active like running or sports, wear synthetic activewear. They dry quickly, ensuring your skin doesn't stay in contact with sweat for long. If you won’t be very active, go for natural fabric clothes like wool, linen and silk. They stay cool and wick away sweat.
- Limit how long you spend in direct sunshine. Whenever you can, stay under a shade.
Don't forget to keep up with your basic skin care routine, especially cleansing your skin daily. It prevents a buildup of dead skin cells, skin products and body oils that can increase the risk of acne once you go out into the sun.
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Woodbury, MN 55125
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