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Does Radiation from Smartphones, Tablets and Laptops Affect Male Fertility? Here's What Researchers Say
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For decades, people have been worried about the health effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) such as those from a cell phone, a cell tower or a microwave. While many experts think that radiofrequency fields are generally safe, there are those who believe they can cause harm to humans.
Of particular concern are cell phones, which most of us have on us for hours each day. Could radiation from smartphones be contributing to the widely reported drop in male fertility in the last several years?
Are Radiofrequency Fields Harmful?
The research into the health effects of RF-EMF is mixed. Many experts say that low to mid frequency EMFs such as those from smartphones, microwaves, power lines and televisions are harmless to humans.
On the other hand, there are studies that either show that this type of radiation could have negative health impacts or cannot prove that EMFs are 100% safe. In fact, the WHO-run International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classifies RF-EMF from devices like smartphones and tablets as possible carcinogens.
The WHO working group found limited evidence to conclude that radiofrequency fields are harmless. They actually found there’s an increased risk of cancer, specifically glioma (a malignant tumor that forms in the brain), from the use of cellphones.
What researchers are most worried about is the long term exposure to RF-EMF and other types of non-ionizing radiation. Afterall, we spend hours each day with our smartphones on our body or close to us. We are also exposed to non-ionizing radiation from computers, tablets, TVs and other devices.
In addition to glioma, EMFs have been linked to leukemia in both adults and children, cognitive decline (and, potentially, Alzheimer’s), and other issues like difficulty sleeping, stress, headaches and more.
That said, most of these studies are not conclusive.
Effect of Radiofrequency on Male Fertility
Most of the studies we have on the link between radiofrequency EMFs and male fertility are preliminary and inconclusive.
But a majority of them indicate that RF-EMFs are potentially bad for male fertility. Researchers have looked at how exposure to common RF sources like smartphones, laptops, microwaves and computers affects sperm and overall male fertility.
What they’ve found is that long term exposure to RF-EMFs can cause oxidative stress and disrupt the proper function of the male reproductive system. This results in lower testosterone levels (which itself can lower fertility), sperm DNA damage and reduced sperm count and motility.
Using your laptop on your lap or keeping your phone in your pocket (as most men do), seems to increase these risks.
When it comes to laptops, it’s not just RF radiation you should be worried about. There’s also the effect of heat. Constant exposure to high temperatures from the laptop and keeping your legs close together can affect sperm count and health.
How to Protect Yourself
While the research we currently have is not conclusive about the risks of radiofrequency radiation, there is enough evidence that we should be concerned.
Now, I’m not saying that you completely get rid of all sources of RF-EMF from your home. You might as well go live in a cabin in the forest since RF-EMF is essentially impossible to avoid in the modern world. But there are steps you can take to protect yourself.
- Get a pair of radiation-protection underwear like the Herkelon Kribi shield. This underwear protects your boys (and future family) from radiation from your phone and other environmental sources.
- Store your phone in an anti-radiation case like this one from SYB. It blocks RF-EMF from your phone from reaching your body.
- Reduce how much time you spend on your phone and laptop. When you are not using them, keep them far away from you.
- Don’t use your laptop on your lap.
- Don’t sit or stand near appliances like the washing machine, microwave or television for too long.
- Get into the habit of taking calls on speaker to keep your phone away from your head. Alternatively, use wireless earbuds or headphones. RF from Bluetooth devices is less powerful than that from your phone.
While it’s hard for most of us to go live in the woods, it is a good idea to occasionally unplug and spend time outdoors away from most electronics.
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6063 Hudson Road #160
Woodbury, MN 55125
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