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What is Sweat Acne and How Do I Prevent It?
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If your skin often breaks out in pimples after a workout or any sweaty activity, that might be sweat acne. It’s a type of acne that’s triggered by sweat. It typically occurs on specific parts of the body where you sweat most like your back, chest, face or buttocks.
Here’s a quick breakdown of sweat acne, including what causes it, how to prevent it and treatment options.
What is Sweat Acne and What Causes It?
Acne, any kind of acne, occurs when pores in our skin become clogged with debris like dead skin cells, dirt and oils. Sweat acne happens when sweat, along with other debris, clogs hair follicles and sweat ducts. This causes a breakout of pimples.
Not everyone gets sweat acne. Various factors can make you more susceptible to sweat pimples including genetics, the kind of skin care products you use, whether you are exposed to the sun, hormones and clothing (tight, non-breathable clothing will make you sweat more).
Sweat acne is also more likely to occur in areas where there is constant friction on your skin from things like clothing, a headband, or a helmet. Acne caused by friction is referred to as acne mechanica.
Note that sweat acne looks different from regular acne. While regular acne appears as white or blackheads, sweat acne looks just like small pimples. They are not itchy or painful.
Sweat pimples look very similar to heat rash, but heat rash typically occurs on the folds of skin like behind the knees or under your breasts. Heat rash is also very itchy.
How to Get Rid of Sweat Pimples
Normally, you don't need to do anything to get rid of sweat pimples. Once you are no longer sweaty and you’ve showered, they’ll disappear on their own.
You can get rid of them faster by using acne products such as salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. But often, bathing with a gentle soap and warm water is enough to clean off the sweat buildup and get rid of sweat acne.
If you notice that the sweat pimples keep reappearing, then you need to tackle the root problem. Below are some tips on how to prevent recurring sweat acne.
5 Tips to Prevent Sweat Acne
1. Reduce How Much You Sweat
The most obvious solution is to sweat less. Since you can’t just tell your body to produce less sweat, the next best solution is applying antiperspirant to block sweat.
Note that antiperspirants are not just for the underarms. You can apply it on any part of your body where you sweat a lot including your back, chest, groin area, legs and even your face.
However, for places like your groin or face, we recommend getting special antiperspirant formulated specifically for use on areas with sensitive skin.
If you have hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), you can get clinical grade antiperspirants that are more powerful than over-the-counter products.
2. Wear Loose Breathable and Sweat-wicking Clothes
What you wear can make you sweat a lot more and increase the risk of sweat acne. For many people, simply wearing loose and breathable clothes is enough to prevent sweat pimples.
Sweat wicking clothes such as those made from wool, cotton and linen can also help prevent sweat acne by keeping your skin dry. But avoid cotton if you expect to sweat a lot (e.g. during a workout). Cotton holds onto sweat and can cause or worsen sweat acne.
By the way, the Hercleon collection of self-cleaning clothes is excellent for preventing sweat and bacteria-caused acne. They not only kill acne-causing bacteria, they are also super breathable to prevent sweat buildup.
3. Watch Out for Friction Areas
Another advantage of wearing loose clothing is that it reduces friction on the skin, thus reducing risk of acne mechanica. Also be careful about items like headbands, bandanas, and helmets. Any accessory in contact with your skin should be smooth, soft and gentle on your skin.
4. Cleanse the Problem Areas Regularly
You can take a shower in the middle of the day or use wipes to cleanse off problem areas. This gets rid of sweat that has built up and helps prevent pimples from forming.
It’s especially important to cleanse these areas before and after an intense activity like a hike or workout.
5. Shower At least Twice a Day
Make sure you take a shower every morning and evening to keep your skin clean. This also prevents transfer of sweat onto your bed, which can cause or worsen acne.
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6063 Hudson Road #160
Woodbury, MN 55125
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