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Why Do Some Clothes Smell Sweatier Than Others?
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I don't know if you’ve ever noticed this, but some clothes are stinkier than others when you sweat. It all comes down to the type of fabric. With some fabrics, you’ll barely notice an odor even on a hot day. But with others, even a little sweat emits a strong smell.
Why does this happen and what can you do about it?
The Science of Sweaty Smell
To answer that question, let’s first discuss what causes a sweaty stink. Afterall, sweat itself is odorless.
Sweat smells when it interacts with bacteria on the skin. A variety of factors like diet, hormones, health and medications can affect how much and how badly your sweat smells.
The kind of clothes you are wearing can also determine how sweaty you smell.
Sweat from specific areas of your body like the groin and armpits can be especially smelly. That’s because it is produced by apocrine glands (most of the skin has eccrine sweat glands). Apocrine glands produce oily sweat rich in fatty compounds.
Bacteria feed on those compounds and break them down into highly odorous substances.
Why Some Clothes Smell More Than Others When You Sweat
Generally, clothes made with synthetic fabrics like polyester, nylon and spandex tend to stink more when you are sweaty compared to natural fabrics like cotton, wool and silk.
There are two main reasons for this.
One, polyester and other synthetic fabrics tend to attract the kind of bacteria that causes a stronger stink. Researchers have found that cotton and other natural fabrics have more of the non-smelly bacteria, and that is part of the reason they don't stink as much.
The second reason synthetic clothes smell more is that they hold onto smelly compounds.
We love synthetics especially for active activities like running because they dry quickly when you sweat. But while they easily let go of water, they hold onto oils and odorous compounds produced by bacteria. Polyester is particularly oleophilic (oil-loving).
So even though your gym tee stays dry, it can get really stinky. And the worst part is that it can be difficult to get the stink out of synthetic clothes even after washing them. The smelly compounds hold tightly onto the fabric.
5 Ways How to Reduce Sweaty Odor (In Addition to Using Deodorant)
Applying deodorant or antiperspirant is the best way to reduce how sweaty you smell. Antiperspirants work by preventing glands from producing sweat, so bacteria on the skin have nothing to feed on.
Deodorant works mostly by killing odor-causing bacteria, which keeps sweat from getting smelly. Some deodorants also have an antiperspirant effect.
Here are other ways to reduce how sweaty you smell.
1. Wear Natural Clothing
Natural fabrics stink less compared to synthetic ones. Wear clothes made with materials like cotton, wool, silk and linen. Keep in mind, though, that natural fabrics also differ in how smelly they can get.
Cotton can be a problem if you are looking to stay fresh. While it has less odorous bacteria and is not as oil-loving as polyester, it tends to hold onto water. When you sweat, your cotton t-shirt will stay damp for longer.
This dampness attracts more bacteria and can cause a more noticeable smell. It can also result in a moldy odor.
Something else to consider is that synthetic fabrics are sometimes worth the sweaty smell. If you are running, hiking or doing some other intense activity, synthetic clothes are the best option. They dry quickly and don't keep you feeling sweaty.
2. Wear Antibacterial Clothing
Antibacterial clothing is made with a special fabric that’s treated to kill odor-causing bacteria. This keeps you smelling fresh even when you sweat.
Hercleon has a variety of antibacterial clothing including the popular HercShirt, Kribi sport underwear and HercSocks.
One of the great things about antibacterial clothes is that you can wear them multiple times without washing and they don't stink. This makes the Hercleon shirt, underwear and other items great for minimalist travelers.
3. Use Special Detergent for Active and Sports Wear
A regular washing machine cycle with cold or warm water and normal detergent may not be enough to remove the stink from your gym clothes.
We recommend buying special detergent formulated specifically for sweaty activewear. It’s more effective at removing the odorous compounds on synthetic fabrics. Cranking up the water temperature to 104F or higher can also help get your workout clothes cleaner and fresher smelling.
4. Use Vinegar and Baking Soda to Remove Odors
Vinegar and baking soda also works great for removing stubborn sweat odors from clothes. Add about a cup of baking soda directly in the washing machine drum before you start the cycle. Then fill the fabric softener compartment with vinegar.
The baking soda attacks the odors during the wash cycle while the vinegar does its magic during the rinse cycle.
5. Check Your Hygiene and Lifestyle
Finally, consider what changes you can make in your hygiene and lifestyle to reduce how sweaty you smell.
Taking daily showers, using deodorant, eating a healthy diet, reducing alcohol intake and cutting out smoking can improve your body odor.
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6063 Hudson Road #160
Woodbury, MN 55125
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