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Traveling With Kids? Don't Forget to Pack These Essentials
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Two things to keep in mind when planning to travel with kids are comfort and entertainment. These are especially important if it is a long flight, train ride or drive that will take hours. Your kids are going to get uncomfortable and bored. Combine those two and you have disaster on your hands.
So carefully plan your packing to make the trip fun for both kids and you. Here are the most important things to pack for the trip. Note that if you are flying, these go into your carry-on, where you can easily access them during the flight.
1. Snacks and Water
If you are traveling alone, you can afford not to carry any snacks even for a long flight. With kids, you have to carry snacks both for sustenance and comfort. Trust me, you’ll be glad for those crackers when your toddler starts being cranky.
Even if you are driving and can stop at a restaurant or store, it’s still a good idea to carry snacks. You never know; you could get stranded in a remote place.
Don’t forget to carry water too. It’s crucial that everyone stays hydrated.
2. Change of Clothes
Having an extra set of clothes on hand ensures that you are ready to deal with spills, dirt and bathroom accidents. On longer flights, consider packing some PJs as well. They are more comfortable and can help kids calm down and sleep during overnight flights.
3. Toys & Activities
To keep your kids entertained, pack different kinds of toys and activities. Avoid anything that requires a lot of space like toy cars. Also avoid carrying any toy or activity that could be too noisy as it can be a nuisance to other people.
Some good ideas include puzzles, coloring books, sticker books and plushies.
4. Books
Books are another excellent way to keep kids busy when traveling. For younger kids who can’t yet read, you can pack picture and activity books.
If you want to save space and reduce weight, you can also just pack a Kindle if your child is around 5-6 years or older.
5. Sweater or Hoodie
The best way to deal with temperature fluctuations in the airport and during flight is to pack a sweater or hoodie for kids. I recommend one of those with zippers, so that it’s easy to put on or take off at any time.
If you are traveling during the colder months, replace the sweater with a warmer jacket but make sure it’s still easy to take off and put on.
6. Tablet & Headphones
If you are traveling with older kids (6+ years), a tablet and headphones will make the trip a lot easier. Download their favorite movies, cartoons and music that they can enjoy during the flight.
7. Wipes and Sanitizer
Kids and wipes go together, no matter where you are. From changing diapers to wiping their dirty hands and keeping their faces clean, wipes are a must-have.
Also include some hand sanitizer. Planes have plenty of dirty surfaces that kids will inevitably touch. Sanitize their hands often to keep them safe.
8. First Aid Kit
Finally, always pack a first aid kit when traveling with kids. We recommend a TSA-approved first aid kit designed specially for kids. One of the best ones is the KeepGoing Kids' 130 Pc First Aid Kit. It has all the basics you need to cover the most common kinds of injuries.
In addition to a first aid kit, carry any medications that your kids are currently using including pain killers, fever medication, topical creams and whatever else they might need. And remember any liquids, even if it’s medicine, has to be in a 100ml container.
Tips for Traveling With Kids
- Organization is essential when packing. Keep similar items together such as toys, toiletries and clothes, so that it’s easy to find what you are looking for. Packing cubes can help with organizing your luggage.
- Make sure your kids are well rested when traveling. Tired kids are cranky kids and they’ll be a lot more difficult to control. The night before, they should get plenty of sleep.
- Have everyone take a nap during the trip, even the older kids. Pack a small pillow and blankie to help them fall asleep.
- To make traveling with kids easier, get them used to it. Start with short trips and gradually make them longer. You’ll also learn how to prepare and pack for traveling with kids. In no time, you’ll all be enjoying long haul flights without an issue.
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6063 Hudson Road #160
Woodbury, MN 55125
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