[Reminder] Prices Are Increasing Sunday (2/9/25)
What's the Best Material for Sheets? The Definitive Guide (2022)
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Missing the soft bed you enjoyed sleeping in on your last vacation? Tired of scratchy, uncomfortable bed sheets that don’t even last long? Luckily, you’re at the right place! While most people focus on finding the right mattress and pillows, they often tend to ignore bedsheets and opt for the cheapest one they come across. Unluckily, this is a grave mistake because bedsheets are equally necessary for a good night’s sleep. If you’ve ever slept at a fancy hotel that uses expensive, high-quality sheets, then you can probably relate. In fact, with sheets as soft as those, it’s pretty tough to drag yourself out of bed! So, what’s the best material for sheets? Here’s everything you should know. Best Materials...
The Quick Guide To The Best Bamboo Sheets
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Are all cotton sheets the same? Is Egyptian cotton the same as cheap cotton? No, right? Well, that’s true with bamboo too. Did you know that there are over 10,000 members in the bamboo family, and their characteristics are very different from each other? This diversity becomes more complex when you consider how the material is processed to convert it into textile usable to make clothing, sheets, towels, etc. This is why it’s important to remember that not all Bamboo sheets are created equal and if you’re out shopping for bamboo sheets, there are some things you should know! Now, it’s no surprise that bamboo has become a very popular fabric for making bedsheets. Take a quick stroll down the...
Why Sheet Thread Count Doesn't Matter Any More (Look At This Instead)
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Note: This information is only relevant for cotton sheets, other materials are drastically different in characteristics for quality. Did you know that the highest thread count you can get with cotton sheets is 400? If you didn’t know, then let’s have a quick chat about thread counts, especially with regard to cotton sheets. While a number of factors go into making an exceptionally soft and comfortable set of sheets, most people just seem to be fixated on the thread count. But what really is thread count, and is it as important as people make it out to be? Does a higher thread count equate to better, softer sheets? The truth is, thread count is only important to a certain extent. To...
Two Weeks Spiritual Break
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For the next two weeks, we will be out of the office. As you might or might not know, HercLéon only has two main employees, me (Wen) and Rachel, and everything else is handled by our many different partners (production, fulfillment, etc.). We like keeping things this small because it allows us to interact one-to-one with almost every single customer we serve, but choosing to be this small has some downsides. This is one of the downsides. Since the founding of HercLéon, I've not taken more than one day away from work (shipping orders, emails, website updates, etc.). During this time, HercLéon has grown from doing travel products to laundry-free products to eco-friendly bedding and loungewear. These changes were made without much thought...
The Fjord Can Change The World Faster Than A Tesla Car
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Elon Musk is one of my greatest inspirations, but I am writing this as a person that's concerned about the future of humanity and our high levels of pollution. Since the industrial revolution, humans have grown up thinking that we live in an infinitely giving planet. This mindset created by companies like Hanes (fuck Hanes) manufactured a culture of constant consumption with little thought giving to the global impact. Fast forward almost a hundred years, and new companies like Lululemon, Under Armour, and others came into the clothing business producing clothes with petroleum-based microfiber materials that, after being washed, get into the ocean as microplastic and end up in the fish you eat for dinner. Now, to max out the amount of...
5 Reasons why I made Kribi (formally called Fjord) - The first underwear you can wear for weeks
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Kribi is a HercLéon product and I am the founder and creative director Okay, let's start with the elephant in the room: yes, underwear that you can wear for a week or a month seems gross, but it's a critical step towards a sustainable future for the planet and a more enjoyable life for you and here's why. 1 - Laundry is polluting the planet Have you ever taken out your electric bill and noticed that on some days there's a noticeable spike in your electricity usage? More than likely, that day was a laundry day. Most people are not aware of how much pollution regularly washing their clothes and other household items puts into the atmosphere. The Guardian, a British...
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6063 Hudson Road #160
Woodbury, MN 55125